Have you ever drawn up a genealogical tree of your family? What can you tell about your family's history? No, we are not talking your grandparents job and place of residence, but about your family history and your family tree. What do you know about your forefathers? Where did they live and how did your family tree chang from one generation to another? Not many people think about these things when they are young, but by the age of 40 most people wants to know more about their family background and to create his or her own family tree. Will you be able to answer your children's and grandchildren's questions when they ask you about your family history? Family tree drawing is not an easy task and requires a lot of attention, time and energy- so it's best to entrust it to professionals. You risk losing years by drawing up an ancestor tree on your own, and you should know where to start your searches.
People who have spent their lives within the archives and history will help you in compiling a family tree. The wonderful team of Sonya and Mher divide and conquer to make the process quicker. Sonya researches data in various Armenian archives and finds relevant information while Mher handles DNA tests. Moreover, he is the administrator of the Family Tree DNA Laboratory in Houston, Texas where the genetic information of over 4,000 Armenians from all over the world is maintained, through the Armenian DNA Project. Creating a genealogical tree is not just a job, it's a calling - Sonya and Mher will definitely find the roots of your family to the deepest possible level.
Much of the success of compiling your ancestry depends on the people who do the research. Sonja and Mher have dedicated their entire lives to this research, and will gladly help you make your family tree. It will make you proud, as knowing the history of your family and nation is very important and necessary for everyone. This will help you to accept yourself and get to know your family from a different perspective, because the results of the ancestry tree can be very unpredictable. You will find answers to many questions that arise involuntarily in your head when you think about your origins.
Family tree drawing will help you keep culture and family traditions alive (and often discover new ones), assess the risk of certain genetic diseases and find relatives with whom you have common roots. Doesn't such a family journey pay off? You will see how the threads of past, present and future are intertwined.
Take a step forward, you have a unique opportunity to find out your family origins online with Sonya and Mher's help!